Why Renew Your Vows...?

When you marry, you make a commitment, intending it to be for a lifetime. You have a set of goals and you start off in the same direction. You open your hearts to one another and you start your journey in a state of grace.
When you renew your vows you re-establish this intention. You identify and set new goals, some of which enhance the originals. You also re-establish your state of grace, reopening your hearts and minds to create a new beginning of greater intimacy, intention, intensity and interaction. This assists you in moving forward in life, still facing the same direction.
It is recommended that this happen every three to five years. Ideally this would be an annual event. Just as any business reviews it's direction to continue it's success, so too does your marriage deserve the same attention.
When you renew your vows you re-establish this intention. You identify and set new goals, some of which enhance the originals. You also re-establish your state of grace, reopening your hearts and minds to create a new beginning of greater intimacy, intention, intensity and interaction. This assists you in moving forward in life, still facing the same direction.
It is recommended that this happen every three to five years. Ideally this would be an annual event. Just as any business reviews it's direction to continue it's success, so too does your marriage deserve the same attention.